It is difficult to forecast in the long term, and even in the short term, due to the current situation. Nevertheles, there is something clear, the determination of GOCO for retaking its activity in the point it was left.
This year, the GOCO meeting that the past 2020 had to be postponed will be carried out, either in person or virtually. The location, the topics and the ponents have been preserved as much as it was possible. So, we can say that it was only a parenthesis in the collaborative path that GOCO has always been, and it increased the desire to continue and firm it up.
We are pleased to invite you to be part of our next meeting, what will for sure strenghten professional and personal ties between members, as it always did.
We hope to see you next November 26th in Badalona!!! (… or on the net)
For more info click here